
Meet Joe the Plumber

Everyone remembers Joe the Plumber from the last presidential debate.  Remember how I commented that I was surprised to hear of a plumber that makes $250,000/year?  Well, after all the hype, what do we know about Joe (whose real name is Sam)?

Poll: Most liberal media

Just curious.  It seems whenever I talk to a “strong” McCain supporter lately and cite a poll or news story, I’m usually told “Oh, you can’t believe the liberal media, and that news station is the most liberal of all!”

Bum Economy Good For Open Source

Thought I’d give a shout out to the CNET Article about how the economy going sour is good for Red Hat and good for Open Source.

Financial Wolves in Sheeps Clothing

In reference to this CNN Article.

What we need

Someone comes into #Fedora and asks how to get their wireless card working and don’t know their chipset.  You need to see the output of lspci.  Someone else comes into Fedora and can’t find out why their second hard drive isn’t showing up.  You need to see the output of dmesg.  The problem is, pasting these things into a high-volume IRC channel is not ideal.